
Doctoral studies

Professional foreign language exams for doctoral students will be held on February 13, 2025 and May 15, 2025.

Time: will be specified according to the number of registered students
Place: Meeting room FBERG (Letná 1/9, Košice-Sever, Main building, 2nd floor)
Form of the exam: attendance
Students register for one of the listed dates SO that they deliver their prepared report in electronic form (docx or pdf) no later than 7 days before the exam to the Department for VVČ and ZS and education in III. FBERG study degree.
The short report must be prepared according to the template (see the section Legislation and sample forms "Template of written preparation for the professional foreign language exam"), a short presentation (max. up to 5 minutes) on the topic of the dissertation is also suitable (preparation is exclusively in the selected foreign language).