
Academic senate of faculty BERG TUKE

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Academic senate of faculty BERG TUKE


doc. Ing. Marian ŠOFRANKO, PhD. prof. Ing. Marian ŠOFRANKO, PhD.
Representative FBERG at AS TUKE (employee part)
Institute of Earth Resources (ÚZZ)
Park Komenského 19, 042 00 Košice , č. dv. 155

Deputy chairman

doc. Ing. Ľubomír ŠTRBA, PhD. doc. Ing. Ľubomír ŠTRBA, PhD.
Deputy chairman AS FBERG TUKE
Institute of Earth Resources (ÚZZ)
Boženy Němcovej 32, 042 00 Košice

Chairman of the student section

Bc. Kristína PRAMUKOVÁ Ing. Kristína PRAMUKOVÁ
Representative FBERG at AS TUKE (student section)
Representative in the Student Council of Higher Education

Members elected from staff:

doc. Ing. Patrik FLEGNER, PhD. doc. Ing. Patrik FLEGNER, PhD.
Institute of Control and Informatization of Production Processes (ÚRaIVP)
Boženy Němcovej 3, 042 00 Košice
doc. Mgr. Julián KONDELA, PhD. doc. Mgr. Julián KONDELA, PhD.
Representative AS FBERG TUKE in the Council of Universities of SR
Institute of Geosciences (ÚGV)
Park Komenského 15, 042 00 Košice
Ing. Diana Bobíková, PhD. Ing. Diana BOBÍKOVÁ, PhD.
Institute of Geodesy, Cartography and Geographical Information Systems (ÚGKaGIS)
Park Komenského 19, 042 00 Košice
doc. Ing. Janka ŠADEROVÁ, PhD. doc. Ing. Janka ŠADEROVÁ, PhD.
Institute of Logistics and Transport (ÚLaD)
Park Komenského 14, 042 00 Košice
doc. Ing. Gabriel WITTENBERGER, PhD. doc. Ing. Gabriel WITTENBERGER, PhD.
Institute of Earth Resources (ÚZZ)
Park Komenského 19, 042 00 Košice

Members elected from students:

Ing. Branislav TOPITZER Ing. Branislav TOPITZER
Jamil Aldahoul Jamil ALDAHOUL
Juraj IVAN Bc. Juraj IVAN


Academic senate members of TUKE

Members elected from staff:

doc. Ing. Marian ŠOFRANKO, PhD. prof. Ing. Marian ŠOFRANKO, PhD.
Representative FBERG at AS TUKE (employee part)
Institute of Earth Resources (ÚZZ)
Park Komenského 19, 042 00 Košice , č. dv. 155

Members elected from students:

Bc. Kristína PRAMUKOVÁ Ing. Kristína PRAMUKOVÁ
Representative FBERG at AS TUKE (student section)
Representative in the Student Council of Higher Education