
Faculty Management


Dr. h. c. prof. Ing. Michal Cehlár, PhD. Dr. h. c. prof. Ing. Michal Cehlár, PhD.
Letná 1/9/A, 2nd floor, door nr. 232

Vice Deans

doc. Ing. Samer Khouri, PhD. prof. Ing. Samer Khouri, PhD.
Deputy Dean
Vice-dean for Development and Informatization
Letná 1/9/A, 2nd floor, door nr. 232
prof. Ing. Andrea Rosová, PhD. prof. Ing. Andrea Šofranková, PhD.
Vice-dean for Education in the First and Second Level of University Education
Letná 1/9/A, 2nd floor, door nr. 209
doc. Ing. Zuzana Šimková, PhD., ING.PAED.IGIP doc. Ing. Zuzana Šimková, PhD., ING.PAED.IGIP
Vice-dean for Science-Research Activities and Education in the Third Level of University Education
Letná 1/9/A, 2nd floor, door nr. 211
prof. Ing. Martin Sisol, PhD. prof. Ing. Martin Sisol, PhD.
Vice-dean for International Relations and Project Coordination
Letná 1/9/A, 2nd floor, door nr. 211 Park Komenského 19

Faculty Secretary

Ing. Silvia Michalková Ing. Silvia Michalková, PhD.
Letná 1/9/A, 2nd floor, door nr. 231

Chairman of the Academic Senate of the Faculty

doc. Ing. Marian Šofranko, PhD. prof. Ing. Marian Šofranko, PhD.
Park Komenského 19, door nr. 155