
Scientific Council

Members of Scientific Council of the Faculty of Mining, Ecology, Process Control and Geotechnologies for the period 2023 – 2027

Internal members
  1. Dr. h. c. prof. Ing. Michal Cehlár, PhD., Dean
  2. doc. Ing. Zuzana Šimková, PhD., ING.PAED.IGIP, Vice-dean for Science-Research Activities and Education in the Third Level of University Education
  3. prof. Ing. Martin Sisol, PhD., Vice-dean for International relations and Project Coordination
  4. prof. Ing. Andrea Šofranková, PhD., Vice-dean for Education in the First and Second Level of University Education
  5. prof. Ing. Samer Khouri, PhD., Vice-dean for Development and Informatization
  6. prof. Ing. Ivo Petráš, DrSc., Institute manager of Institute of Control and Informatization of Production Processes (ÚRaIVP)
  7. prof. Ing. Dušan Kudelas, PhD., Institute manager of Institute of Earth Resources (ÚZZ)
  8. prof. Ing. Stanislav Jacko, PhD., Institute manager of Institute of Geosciences (ÚGV)
  9. prof. Ing. Martin Straka, PhD., Institute manager of Institute of Logistics and Transport (ÚLaD)
  10. prof. Ing. Peter Blišťan, PhD., Institute manager of Institute of Geodesy, Cartography and Geographical Information Systems (ÚGKaGIS)
  11. prof. Ing. Daniela Marasová, CSc., Institute manager of Institute of Logistics and Transport (ÚLaD)
  12. prof. Ing. Beáta Gavurová, PhD., MBA, Institute of Earth Resources (ÚZZ)
  13. prof. RNDr. Igor Podlubný, DrSc., Institute of Control and Informatization of Production Processes (ÚRaIVP)
  14. prof. Ing. Juraj Janočko, CSc., Dr. scient., Institute manager of Institute of Geosciences (ÚGV)
External members
  1. Dr. h. c. Ing. Peter Čičmanec, PhD., Chairman of the Board and CEO, Hornonitrianske bane Prievidza, a. s.
  2. Ing. Vladimír Jacko, PhD., MBA, The head of the Sobrance municipal office
  3. Ing. Vincent Jakub, PhD., director, GEOMETRA SK, s. r. o. Košice
  4. doc. Ing. Šárka Vilamová, Ph.D., Faculty of Materials and Technology, VŠB -TU Ostrava
  5. Ing. Igor Šimko, PhD., MBA, forensic expert in the field of environmental protection, sector: industrial and municipal waste, environmental damage assessment