Accredited study programs
Full-time bachelor's studies
- Automation and process control of raw materials extraction and processing
- Mining and geotechnics
- Transport Logistics of an Enterprise
- Surveying and Real Estate Cadastre
- Geology and regional development
- Geotourism
- Commercial Logistics
- Management of processes
- Management of Earth Sources
- Environmental Protection and Ecotechnologies of Raw Materials
- Industrial Logistics
- Utilization of Alternative Energy Resources
- Rescue, Fire and Safety Technics
Part-time bachelor's studies
- Automation and management of raw material acquisition and processing processes
- Mining and geotechnics
- Transport Logistics of an Enterprise
- Geotourism
- Management of processes
- Management of Earth Sources
- Industrial Logistics
- Utilization of Alternative Energy Resources
- Rescue, Fire and Safety Technics
Full-time engineering studies
- Transport Logistics of an Enterprise
- Geological engineering
- Geotourism
- Informatization of processes of raw materials extraction and processing
- Engineering Surveying and Real Estate Cadastre
- Management of Earth Sources
- Mineralurgy and environmental technologies
- Industrial Logistics
- Process control of raw materials extraction and processing
- Technologies of Mining and Tunneling
- Utilization of Alternative Energy Resources
- Rescue, Fire and Safety Technics
Part-time engineering studies
- Transport Logistics of an Enterprise
- Geotourism
- Informatization of processes of raw materials extraction and processing
- Management of Earth Sources
- Process control of raw materials extraction and processing
- Utilization of Alternative Energy Resources
Full-time doctoral studies
- Mining Geology and Geological Prospection
- Mining surveying and geodesy
- Economy of Earth Sources
- Mineralurgy and environmental technologies
- Industrial Logistics
- Process control
- Mineral industry extraction and engineering technologies
- Utilization and Preservation of Earth Sources
Part-time doctoral studies
- Mining Geology and Geological Prospection
- Mining surveying and geodesy
- Economy of Earth Sources
- Mineralurgy and environmental technologies
- Industrial Logistics
- Process control
- Mineral industry extraction and engineering technologies
- Utilization and Preservation of Earth Sources